MAY 14, 21, 28

Sold Out
ADVANCED Acting Intensive
Tuesdays, May 14, 21 and 28
June 4th
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
This four-week class is specifically geared towards those who have extensive acting experience (does not need to be in a professional capacity). The class will consist of intensive training with professional SAG-AFTRA actor, Adam Ratcliffe, coming to us from Philadelphia (bio below).
Please bring either a scene or monologue to your first class; something that you've wanted to work on, or have been working on but need an extra pair of trained eyes to look at your work.
Due to the nature of this class, we are requiring all interested actors apply via video audition. Please submit a one-minute video to info@afterwordsactorsstudio.com for consideration*.
*If you have worked with either Adam Ratcliffe or Kathy Patterson, a video submission is not necessary. Please contact Kathy at the address above to express your interest in attending. We would also accept your demo reel in lieu of a recorded monologue.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact AfterWords Actors Studio at the above address or via our website.
Payment Options Available (Please inquire)
AUDIT OR OBSERVER SPACES are available, but very limited. If you wish to observe (non-participatory), please contact us prior to class to reserve your spot. First come, first served. $20.00 per class. info@afterwordsactorsstudio.com

ADAM RATCLIFFE was born in the Philadelphia area, and was raised by a stellar singer mother whose parents were involved in show business in the 1940's. He had a grandfather who had appeared in several off-Broadway shows and instilled a passion for singing in his youngest grandson. He studied
several years with Vincent d'Onofrio, the star of "Full Metal Jacket", "Men in Black" and "The Cell" (to name only a few), and within two years landed a principle role on Law and Order: Criminal Intent, as Jimmy the tow truck driver.
He can also been seen on Blue Bloods, SVU, and most recently played Craig on Brad Pitt's Plan B Production series, "The OA". Adam also wrote the original screenplay entitled "Philly Kid" and sold the rights to Adam Mervis and Warner Bros. and executive producer Joel Silver, along with Dark Castle/After Dark
Pictures. Adam Ratcliffe was paid for story by credit of this nationally-distributed film, now on demand.
Adam also played a small role on HBO's hit TV series, 'Boardwalk Empire'. Adam and his wife Andrea have one child, and are dedicated to their
amazing loving and tight-knit family, all of which reside in the Philadelphia area.
Adam has recently been nominated for Best Lead Actor in a feature film in the Orlando International Christian Film and Music Festival, May 1-4th 2019

Adam Ratcliffe - Demo Reel
(Language Warning)